Re-Gain Child Protection Policy
Reviewed September 2022
Child Protection Statement
Re-Gain (Cornwall) C.I.C is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of the children and young people who may come into contact with our organisation or its related projects.
This will be the primary consideration when any potential issues are identified or brought to our attention.
This essentially means that if we become aware of or are suspicious of any harm to a child,
we will take action as per our policy and procedures.
Projects involving direct contact with children will be required to have their own Child Protection Policy or procedures,
which will be specific to their circumstances and working practices.
Project staff that work with children will be fully trained in Child Protection regulations and procedures.
We will aim to listen and respect the rights, wishes and feelings of any children regardless of gender,
ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. We will aim to safeguard them from any perceived harm.
As an organisation we understand the need to protect children and young people from exposure to abuse or situations that could be construed as abusive.
We will comply with The Children Act 2004, review our policy regularly and respond to any changes in legislation.
Child Protection Procedures
The Child Protection Officer for Re-Gain is Darren Bottrill (0845 1228668) or in his absence Annette Hodges (01579 346663).
It is their responsibility to take seriously and investigate any complaint, allegation or disclosure relating to child safety within 1 working day.
This will be actioned by listening to all parties involved and seeking any information or advice to help ensure the safety of the child.
Any allegations made against a staff member will be reported immediately to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) at the Safeguarding Children Unit (telephone 01872 254549).
Full details will be recorded and the process will be as follows:
1, Re-Gain employee or volunteer discusses the issue raised, directly with the person voicing the concern, before reporting to the child protection officer.
2, The child protection officer records all the information and investigates as necessary. Records are kept securely in line with data protection regulations.
3, If appropriate the issue is raised with appropriate authorities as soon as feasibly possible.
4, Internal action is taken as appropriate, that may include support, feedback, supervision or disciplinary procedures.
Our Child Protection philosophy and policy will be upheld and made implicit to all members of the Steering Group, Directorship, Staff Team and Volunteers.
Failure to uphold our Child Protection Policy and procedures by any employee or volunteer will result in disciplinary action against the individual.
All those contacting our organisation will be made aware of our policy where appropriate.
In recruitment of staff and volunteers we will follow thorough vetting procedures to help ensure the safety of children in contact with our organisation.
Definition of Child Abuse
Child abuse is any harm inflicted on a person under the age of 18 (or 16 if married).
Harm means any ill-treatment or impairment of health (mental or physical) or development (physical, intellectual, emotional, social and behavioural).
The four main types of abuse are as follows:-
Sexual Abuse -
Sexual Abuse is encouraging or forcing a child to participate in sexual activities.
This can be either physical or visual contact.
Physical Abuse -
This includes any form of physical contact that results in pain or injury.
Neglect -
This means to persistently neglect a child's physical or psychological needs
Emotional Abuse -
Emotional abuse may occur as a result of the other types of abuse.
It may also be present in the form of the care givers attitude, behaviour and actions towards the child.
This may cause the child to feel persistently afraid, unloved, unwanted or worthless.
Often underestimated, emotional abuse can have long-term damaging effects on the psychological development of a child.
Further support information and advice is available from: -
Devon and Cornwall Police 08452 777444
Safeguarding Children Unit 01872 254549
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
Re-Gain Policies
Child Protection Policy
Compliments and Complaints Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Diversity and Ethical Practice Policy
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Polciy
Volunteer Policy